シュートをするまでの時間が5秒は変わる!FlyHighサッカースクール 2021/11/10

【1対1からシュート オフェンスで意識して欲しいこと】
フリーズせずプレーしてもらった時は2回フェイントや切り替えが多く時間でいうと7秒〜10秒程シュートするまでかかってましたが、 シュートまで早く持っていくためにはどうしたらいいか?を考えてもらった結果、1回フェイントし更に緩急をつけたメリハリのあるドリブルに変わり、約5秒程まで短縮できゴールすることができる選手が増えました。
相手のボールの持ち方をみて、利き足を瞬時に判断し得意なコースを限定することや、自分がどこに立ってディフェンスしているのか シュートコースを開けていないかなどを意識して取り組んでもらいました。


[What I want you to be aware of in the offense.]
We are in the vital area, so we want to get to the shot as quickly as possible.
When I asked them to play without freezing, they had to feint and switch twice, and it took them about 7 to 10 seconds to shoot. As a result, the dribbling time was reduced to about 5 seconds and more players were able to score goals.
[What I want you to be aware of in defense.]
Since the game will be played from the center of the goal, I asked the players to have a sense of danger that if they let the opponent shoot, it would be the end.
I asked them to look at the way their opponents hold the ball, to instantly judge their dominant foot and limit the course they are good at, and to be aware of where they are standing in defense and whether they are opening up the shooting course.
The mental part of endurance was also important, and they had to learn how to block shots by throwing their bodies out of the way.
[Shooting from the third man’s movement]
First of all, they had to make two passes in the process of shooting, so they had to be careful not to shift.
The first thing to remember is that you have to make two passes in the process of shooting.
By running diagonally, it is easier to get unmarked and less likely to be offside during the actual game. By incorporating this into your practice, you will be able to do this naturally during the game.
[The first touch is a cut-in shot.]
The most important thing to keep in mind is where to place the first touch.
If you place the ball too close to your feet, it will be cramped and difficult to shoot, and if your touch is too big, the defense will take it away.
So I asked them to be conscious of putting the ball in the best position where it is easiest for them to shoot.

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