グラウンド修復 vol.1 豪雨被害で流された【城南ボーイズ】さんのグラウンド復旧 2021/10/1 投稿者/城南園芸 1.75/5 (4)

今年八月の豪雨でグラウンドが浸水した【城南ボーイズ】さんの 復旧作業をお手伝い!
後輩の岡村監督こと”おかぽん”さんが重機を操るのを横目に ひたすら石を拾う先輩!
先輩の名前が気になりますよね? 答えはぜひ本編をご覧ください!
次回はなにやら、先輩の作業に変化があるみたいです! お楽しみに―!

\ 2021年9月度MVM受賞おめでとうございます /

We helped the Jonan Boys, whose ground was flooded by the torrential rains in August this year, with their recovery work!
While talking about the old days, we were picking up rocks, picking up rocks, picking up rocks, picking up rocks…
While “Oka-Pon”, the junior manager of the team, was operating the heavy machinery, the senior manager was just picking up rocks!
The skin on his hands peeled off and it was painful.
You must be wondering what his name is, right? Please check out the full story for the answer!
In the next episode, there seems to be a change in the senior’s work! Look forward to it!

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