走塁のクセ!  投稿者/つー 2021/10/1 4.92/5 (25)

MLBドリームカップ、BBパートナー選抜トロントブルージェイズの 初の活動日。
ノーアウト、1・3塁のビックチャンス! 快音とともに打球は… ランニングホームラン
無事に走者一掃のランニングホームランで生還できたが、 前の走者がホームイン後にまさかの‥

MLB Dream Cup, BB partner selection, Toronto Blue Jays’ first day of action.
With no outs and runners on first and third, a big chance! With a great sound, the ball was hit… a running home run!
But the batter who hit it happened to catch up with the runner in front at third base!
The batter who hit the ball caught up with the runner in front of him at third base, but he was able to get home safely, but the runner in front of him came home…

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