初心者が草野球をはじめたら 投稿者/ベイスターズマサト 2021/12/06 #shorts ☆をタップして評価してください/No ratings yet.

マサト君は野球未経験でプロ野球を見るのが大好きな28歳。 横浜ベイスターズの大ファン。

Masato is 28 years old, has no experience in baseball, and loves to watch professional baseball. He is a big fan of the Yokohama BayStars, a Japanese professional baseball team.
Because he is such a baseball fan, he wanted to create his own personal baseball team, and the team was formed in 2021.
He think “having fun playing baseball,” the team, which includes many inexperienced players, had a great year playing in practice games and tournaments.
But! The result of the first year was 1 win and 9 losses…!
Furthermore, Masato finished the season with 10 hits, 0 runs, and 9 strikeouts.
In his own way, he was so frustrated that he invited a friend who wasn’t interested in baseball to be in charge of filming him, and has been practicing silently at the batting center.
He is very serious about taking videos and asking what is wrong. He is very serious and is practicing hard to make his dream of getting a hit come true.

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